How Continuous Flow Works
Continuous flow worm bins allow for worm-free harvests. There is never an emptying of the Urban Worm Bag.
- The top layer of the Urban Worm Bag features freshly-added food waste and bedding. Worms tend to stay near these top layers.
- Decomposition by worms and microbe continues in the middle of the Bag.
- The bottom of a mature Urban Worm Bag features ready-to-harvest worm castings that will be ready for use in your garden or grow operation. Worms keep working in upper layers so there should not be a need to separate them out.
Turning Food Waste Into Food for the Soil
Any worm bin needs time for the worm and microbe ecosystem to develop.
In the first few weeks, be very conservative with your feedings, adding only a cup or two each week until you see the waste is being broken down easily.
Stop adding food waste and add bedding if you encounter foul odors, gnats, or fruit flies.
Stick with non-dairy, non-meat food wastes.
Worms love banana peels, apple cores, all sorts of melons & nearly all vegetable waste.
Food waste is incredibly high in water content, so make sure to add dry bedding with each feeding. For a feeding, we recommend 2x the volume of bedding to food waste.
Some users like to layer their food waste and bedding. Others like to mix them together.
Pssst….we like to mix them together!
After 4 to 6 months *and* when your Urban Worm Bag is about 75% full, it’s time to harvest! Open the bottom and get those castings!
Open the bottom and begin to harvest. Hint….bumping the sides helps to loosen compacted vermicompost!
Your first harvest may be very wet, maybe a little wormy, and will contain unprocessed bedding. Just send that material back into the top!
Subsequent harvests will have better texture and should be worm-free.
Use castings as a top dress, a side dress, or mix into growing media at a 10% substitution rate, by volume.
The microbes will help cycle nutrients, aid in water retention, promote faster germination, suppress pests and pathogens, and will simply feed your soil.
Your garden or grow operation will thank you!
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